Thursday, July 31, 2008

In a land of paradoxes....

Mumbai, Ajmer, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Banglore, Ahmedabad, .... We don't know THEIR next target. It can boom on the street we are walking now, it may boom in a theatre we will be watching a movie tomorrow. Terror is becoming all-occupying. THEY don't have any bias between global cities, cities termed as IT hubs, cities having heritage monuments, cyber cities, for they know simply one thing: all these cities are a part of INDIA, the nation.

The youth of India is looked upon as the saviour of the nation in its current critical condition of being in inflation, poverty, illiteracy, etc. But it is assumed that the culprits behind the current blasts are not any radicals or fanatics turned into suicide bombers with a timer around their wastes but an sophisticated, well-educated ilk of youngsters who are pretty much aware of the consequences of their acts. These youngsters are downright refusing to accept their Indianness. Use of technology for them is like spinning a web for the spider. They are choosing their targets at their will, their convenience, in fact they are informing police or Anti-Terrorism Squad about their plans by prior e-mails. They don't want to kill people just as yet, they want to create a fear in the minds of Indians, they want people to get frightened with every BOOM sound; may it be just a Diwali bomb then, they want to show the faithful Indians that to live in India is not safe. A portion of the youth of India is busy to put India at the top of the world: in Terrorism.

The perpetrators behind these heinous acts used to refer themselves as "liberators" for quite some time. But they don't mind being called as "terrorists" now and even their acts indicate towards that. Planting bombs in hospitals where injured people are taken after suffering for their lives is by no means an act committed in a war. But these cowards are reaching new lows for their cowardice. The frequency of these blasts is shocking. But somewhere we ourselves are responsible in the process.

The centres for conspiracies, planning, finances and implementation of the blasts seem to have shifted from the notorious gulf country to the shacks, small apartments, bylanes of various cities of our own country, where the mujahideens lie dormant for days and weeks and months, in order to avoid any suspicion before they finish their "assignment". It's a really tough task to nab a terrorist from his hideout for our Police Force. But unfortunately our Police Force is normally assigned as a "security" to our politicians, to control the processions that take place in day-to-day life. They have to follow certain orders in order to keep up with their perks and postings. The less we talk about our politicians, the better. They are busy in their own way to deface the nation's credibility by showing the wads of notes in front of camera to the whole nation and the world for mere party gains. We also have the MPs who label the blasts and the lost lives as "the diversification by the government from the nuclear deal issue". People's lives don't matter here; after all there 1.2 billions of them, right? And, the people, like us, who matter most in a democracy are so busy in our own lives nowadays that we don't even have time to peep into our own neighbourhood for a brief cordial chat. Why to spare a second for looking around us for any suspicious objects or persons if are to be found while travelling or having road-side fastfood when we have our i-Pod or mobile screens to look to? So, all in all, condition is well set for the terrorism to spread its roots here.

Terrorism is not something we are unheard or unexperienced of. But it's getting a makeover. Hijacking planes and using them as bombs, renting cars or bicycles to plant bombs, using e-mails are all nothing but the proves of the harsh fact that terrorism is getting modernised as also globalised. Many right minds are going the wrong way. Today, many radical Islami institutions are being run by very sharp,talented youngsters, who, if work towards the well-being of the nation, can materialize the much-hyped "superpower" dream of the nation much earlier than anticipated. India is replete with the youth who don't think how the world will impact India, but who think how India'll impact the world in this 21st century.

Indianness is neither a lesson taught in schools nor is present in the genes of an individual. It is a feeling felt by one whenever one sees indian tricoloured flag, hears an booker-award winner Indian's name, celebrates the Indian victory in a sports game but as well as after seeing a malnourished child on the roads, a beggar with no clothes, water running out of taps; for to live a paradoxical life is being an Indian. But "right minds, wrong ways" is a paradox we would all like The Almighty to pardon our India from.

Friday, July 25, 2008


I feel lonely on a rainy evening. i have had a tiff with my girlfriend in the morning, closing on any chances to meet up later in the day and wishing to watch a rainbow together. i think and think hard about what to do but fail to single out any idea. i venture out of my apartment, go to the nearest cigarette shop and ask for a Marlboro Lights. I light it,inhale deep,inhale deeper. my lungs get filled with the smoke. i blow it out. a few more puffs and i feel relaxed. i don't mind getting wet alone....

A cigarette is something which is as loved as it is hated. i love it.i love to blow out numerous rings of its smoke by glueing my tongue to the palate. i feel light, i feel detached from everything and everyone during those 3 minutes i take to finish a stick. i have it while i am happy, i have it when in gloom. all i want to tell to those losers who miss out on the sheer pleasure of taking a drag of a cigarette is it's something worth of giving a try.

I have learnt from my schoolbooks and newspapers and from where not that cigarette smoking is injurious to health. it is even mentioned on each cigarette pack. i am aware of various health hazards a cigarette can induce in a human body. these vary from cancer to tuberculosis and from bronchitis to asthama. i have seen people throwing despising glances towards the smokers;in theatre lobbies,on roads and so on. i see my country's health minister attacking soft targets like some film stars for smoking on screen and hammer them with utmost criticism. but he fails to attack his ministerial collegue who has had a cancer surgery for his famous tobacco addiction. chewing tobacco and keep spitting it time and again is allowed in local trains and buses while cigarette smoking isn't; though both contain nicotine.

Smokers are considered as a nuisance. Surveys claim that girls don't tend to date the guys who smoke. my own girlfriend disregards me whenever i light up a cigarette. my parents advise me not to smoke, get sentimental and ask me to swear by god for not smoking. i listen to all and try to quit smoking.

The next day i go to college. i travel. i roam with my friends. i see people smoking, blowing off the smoke. but i remember my pledge and suppress the urge to smoke. i begin to feel the magic of that paper stick richly filled with nicotine,tar and even carbon isotopes. it makes me crave for it. i realise that my eyes, my nose, my lips, my lungs, my hands, my windpipe, my teeth all have a great love for it. pleasure takes over determination. i go to the nearest cigarette shop. i ask for a Marlboro Lights. the index and middle fingers of my right hand unite for the purpose they serve me the best. i can always quit the cigarette tomorrow,i tell myself.

one thing i know today is that a cigarette, if not a necessity, remains a desire for me. i can have it during a day, i can have it in night. i can have it while travelling, even in my bed. i finish a few back to back when i'm on cloud nine. it becomes an adventure if i mange to have even a single drag when i go on family picnics. taxiing a cigarette with 4-5 friends is an experience in itself. a cigarette when i have cough gives pain, but worth a gain. if you are a non-smoker, you would wonder what gain do i get from it. i would like to suggest you to throw away all your hate and apprehensions regarding a cigarette, light a stick handsomely and take a deep drag of a well-lit cigarette.

I hope you enjoy your smoke.