Wednesday, August 6, 2008


People walk into our lives... We allow some to penetrate the outer walls and let them come in our vicinity. We long for them. We are better off without some while we maintain cordial relations with many. We can't live without people. But we can certainly choose the ones whom to live with, whom to hang out with, whom to take advice from, whom to give respect to and whom to look upon in the crises.

Sometimes we err in judging the people. Our thoughts, actions, goals, means suddenly differ from the same people we were living with till the previous day. The need arises to distance ourselves from them. It's not about discarding them, it's about inventing ourselves anew. We feel this from time to time. Being together without the feeling of togetherness is the most isolated state for any individual. But we should optimally try to make this farewell bidding process mutually acceptable. We should try not to hurt people while we walk apart from them. We should make them feel special even at the time of distancifying ourselves from them as they were special for us somewhere in the walk of our lives... Their traces would be found on the shores of our life whenever we would look back. They had touched us somewhere; they had walked with us, disregarding the distance. Those moments deserve to be remembered at the time of goodbyes. A goodbye should be as open, clear and convincing as an introduction.

A goodbye is always a necessity in life. People part ways. Sometimes decidedly, sometimes destiny plays its part. Egos, priorities, hate, interests, betrayals, distance, saturation, boredom... so many reasons but just one conclusion, Goodbye! Some goodbyes are forever while some are momentary. Some are pragmatic, some conspiratory. If seen gramatically, these goodbyes are nothing but the punctuational fullstops given from time to time in order to keep the text of our life contextual. A fullstop always begins a new sentence. Same way, a new beginning always awaits after a goodbye; for all the goodbyees!

These goodbyes always cause transient grief and despondency. They impart a feeling of emptiness within oneself. One feels something amiss. One thinks of hanging out with a friend to whom one has said goodbye due to some reasons and feels awry. some other reminds him/herself of the lunch hour in which he/she used to share his/her tiffin with his/her jovial and helping colleagues in the company that person has just resigned from. But as the sorrow fades away with time, the rightness of the decision proves itself within their minds. They become more confident. "I can do it" and "I can make do without it, too" feeling gets birth in their minds. Sometimes they prove wrong too, but after all life is so short and there are so many decisions to make! To foresee the sequences and practicality may help than sentiments and emotions while deciding to say a goodbye! But one should take entire responsibility after one bids a goodbye to someone; irrelavent of its consequences.

Nothing is more pleasant than a mutually-accepted goodbye for, to show the weaknesses or flaws or hollowness in a relation to the one/ones on the other side and to prove it justifiable to draw an end to a relation is something one should assign oneself to do while saying a goodbye. A warm and friendly goodbye always lives in our memory, reminds us of the one/ones we had/had to said goodbyes to with almost regret. A good goodbye highlights a good relation. While goodbyes enforced by/upon us may leave grouses, grudges or ill-feelings in minds, reducing the sheer newness and freedom a goodbye offers. A goodbye, thus, be looked upon as a goodstart wish offered by the one who has said it. The mild moon says goodbye to the earth at the crack of every dawn, leaving her to live afresh in the sun's sharpness.

A goodbye is not the dead-end of the road, it's just the point from where our roads differ.

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